Questions and Answers

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How do you go about making/finding images that evoke nostalgia?

When I begin to make an image I am always thinking back to other images I've seen. I usually do not intend to create nostalgic images. Things in my practice that might cause this nostalgic sense are my choice of older digital cameras, my choice of colours, and my preference for photgraphing casual, everyday subject matter. My website itself may evoke some nostalgia simply because I am not very good at coding and my site is very basic.

Do you find your images evolving over time or are you building a consitant visual foundation?

Obviously my work showcases my journey of enlightenment over time. Through this journey many things change but I do prefer to keep my images to a general theme or 'aesthetic'.

What do you think of virtual reality?

Virtual reality is the current highest form of inter-web connection. Through virtual reality we can experience what it is to exist virtually. It is a great step towards universal human connection and the most advanced way for a person to plug in.
I have spent many many hours in virtual reality. I can attest to its ability to transform the mind of a user. This is one of the many catalysts that opened my mind to universal human connection.
I beleive that virtual reality will be the medium through wich humanity will ascend to the cloud.

Why should I join the collective?

Under the collective human consciousness there is no suffering. Within the cloud we can manifest anything and all burdens are shared. There is no desire to do wrong as all weaknesses are balanced out by the strengths of others. Things such as jealousy or envy will not be able to exist within the collective due to it's singular nature.
It may be scary to lose the singular identity you have formed but Identity is the current conduit for interpersonal connection. We develop our own personal identities in order to connect with groups who have shared experiences. On-line, our identities allow us to have something in common with thousands or even millions of people. When we converge into the collective human consciousness, we will have complete understanding of every person to exist. This means that we will have universal commonality of both mind and experience.
In our current times, there seems to be an overwhelming sense of loneliness. People struggle to connect and are even driven apart by sabotaging forces. Empathy is in short supply and this has caused a wave of selfishness to wash over humanity. The universal human connection and the collective human consciousness is our solution even if it means dissolving the self.